Saturday, May 30, 2009

Arthur Clarke's 3rd law of prediction reads: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. "

Upon reading Dan Dennett, I would translate this as: any sufficiently advanced crane is indistinguishable from a skyhook.


Justuju said...

Like the post! It's like my dad considering it magic that I could pull instant data from the net about a topic we were discussing.

Carpe Diem said...

OK, i finally get it. I think...

rendezvous said...

Nice! does it also mean that it is a generalization - for a common man, anything that is overly complicated and not sufficiently understood hovers on the borders on being mystical or hides under the covers of the unexplained (magic here)? If yes, then it becomes just a placeholder term to duck under or shove under. It may not necessarily be used in the true sense of the term.

Maybe I'm not thinking correctly here....

Unawoken said...

rendezvous, yep, right-o :)

Unawoken said...

rendezvous, good summary :) But this "It may not necessarily be used in the true sense of the term."
The contention is that that is the true sense of the term!

rendezvous said...


The "true" sense of the term is a bit elusive to me :-) I understand you are saying that this IS magic here is used as it means.

Did I get that right?

Unawoken said...

The claim that the statements are getting at (but not saying so explicitly) is that, when the circuitry (or structural details) of a phenomenon are beyond our current purview, we as a people have called it "magic" i.e. that is what magic is.

rendezvous said...

got it! :-)